Dallmer Sessions
Dallmer Sessions

Dallmer Sessions:
Online and video training for
planning and practice

At a glance

Our format: Online and video sessions

Take part in the Dallmer online training sessions or watch our short video sessions.

Always up-to-date, thanks to further training

We cover different topics related to drainage technology. With Dallmer you can learn about the newest products, uses, norms, trends and lots more.

Target groups

Installation technicians, tilers, planners and architects.

Cooperation partners

To best uncover the complex field of drainage we work with cooperation partners, e.g. manufacturers of construction chemicals or bathroom furnishings, depending on the focus of the session.

Dates and registration

Whoever would like to register for our online sessions can find all information regarding dates and registration on this page.

Our formats

Video Sessions

In the video sessions, we present our product range in detail. In doing so, it is particularly important to us to convey the idea behind our products.

To give you an overview of the entire Dallmer product range, we publish approx. ten-minute video sequences on our most popular and latest drainage solutions from our various product segments at regular intervals.

Video Sessions
Video Sessions
Online Sessions
Online Sessions

Online Sessions

With a busy schedule, there is not always time for on-site events including travel, but digital formats also make further training possible in the comfort of one's own home or workplace.

In approx. 60 minutes, seminar leader Benjamin Groß explains various specialist topics (composite waterproofing, barrier-free showers, etc.) from the field of drainage technology. Via chat function, there is the possibility to ask questions during the online training. This allows us to respond directly to input from our customers and installers and answer specific questions.

These sessions are conducted using online meeting software. Participants do not need to meet any special system requirements.

We will inform you as soon as there are new dates.

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